$50,000 and above

Dr. Joan Taub Ades (NY)
Steffi Berne, in memory of Rhoda Mokotoff (NY)
†Mrs. Walter F. Brissenden (IL)
Estate of Henry C. Bryant (MI)
Estate of Iris Candamio (TX)
†Marilyn Cereghino, in honor of Rosalind Uno (CA)
Constance Christensen (NY)
Hope A. Curtis (NM)
Dalio Philanthropies, Inc. (CT)
†Mr. James W. Ellington (CT)
The Farkas Family Foundation, in memory of Florence Roth Farkas (VA)
In memory of Anna R. Harms (NY)
Maura Harway and Richard Mark (NY)
Nancy L. Hayward (NY)
Estate of Lois Hilgeman (NJ)
Barbara D. Horgan, in honor of Doretta K. Feldscher (NY)
Anita and Jay Kaufman (NY)
†Esther G. Klatz (IL)
C. Jerome Lombardo Family Foundation, in memory of Louis D’Angelo and Louise D’Angelo Lombardo (NY)
†Billie Manring, in memory of Renata Tebaldi (CA)
†Dr. Arthur M. Mellor (NC)
Mr. and †Mrs. Edward Merrin (NY)
Mary Benbow Murdy (CT)
†Stewart Pearce and Kevin Kellogg (NY)
Dr. Thomas H. Powell, in memory of Dr. William W. More (MD)
Estate of Barbara Rosenthal (NY)
Sack Family Fund (CA)
†Mr. and †Mrs. Edward V. Sayre (DC)
Estate of Dietrich Schwerdtfeger (NY)
Estate of Florentine Sellecaerts (CT)
In memory of Jean Spargo (CT)
Estate of Phyllis Kyle Stephenson (VA)
Professor Richard S. Tedlow and Dr. Donna M. Staton (MA)
Mrs. John Todd (NJ)
John G. Turner and Jerry G. Fischer, in honor of Robert Turner (LA)
Heidi Ulrich, in memory of Ursula Bisconer (CA)
Mr. Dieter Wolf (IL)
3 Anonymous Donors

$25,000 and above

Arnhold Foundation (NY)
Nancy and Jim Barton (CT)
Estate of Carol Berles (PA)
Richard and Carol Boas, in memory of Edith Marks Baldinger and Ruth Boas (CT)
Ms. Jane Boynton (GA)
Dr. and Mrs. O. Christian Bredrup, Jr., in memory of Helen P. Moncure (VA)
Sandra L. Brown (NY)
Estate of Ivan Chorney (Canada)
Theodore Chu (NY)
Estate of Halla Claffey (MI)
Jacques and Emy Cohenca Foundation (NY)
†Emily and †John Corry (NY)
Estate of Margaret DeSerio (IL)
Joan and Donald Fried (NY)
The Gouvernet Arts Fund at the Community Foundation (NY)
Meredith Griffiths, in memory of Anne K. Dahl and Clarence Klopsic (VA)
Estate of Norma E. Gross (LA)
Ms. Lenore M. Hanauer (WA)
Hinkle Charitable Foundation (NY)
The Endeavor Foundation (NY)
The Kligerman Family Foundation (NJ)
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis W. LaBarre (NY)
Barbara Lincoln and Tim Murphy, in memory of Emma Skoff Lincoln (CA)
Ms. Lorinda Madison (TX)
Ms. Beth Madison (TX)
Joseph Masteroff, in memory of Beverly Sills (NY)
Ellen McCoy (DC)
Mr. and Mrs. Corbin R. Miller (NY)
IRA of Annabel Muenter (NY)
†Mrs. Gilda Nobel (NY)
Mrs. Greenway O'Dea (NY)
Mr. James D. Parker (MD)
James L. Perzik, in honor of Judi Perzik (CA)
Trust of Ann Petrella (MA)
Prince Charitable Trusts (DC)
Quickle Family Trust (CA)
James Reiss (MA)
Mr. and Mrs. Jon W. Rotenstreich (NY)
Anthony Rubin, Toronto, Canada (Canada)
Joanne Zervas Sattley (MA)
Wendy Shattuck and Samuel Plimpton (FL)
Ms. Friederike Sligt, in memory of Leonhard Sligt (NJ)
Estate of Margaret Spader (NY)
Lynn G. Straus (NY)
Flora L. Thornton Foundation (CA)
†Mr. and †Mrs. J. Allen Tyler (VA)
Mary R. Wagner, in memory of Anne Freeney (NJ)
The New York Community Trust-Wallace Special Projects Fund (NY)
Lucille Werlinich (NY)
†Mr. and †Mrs. Horace H. Wilson (CA)
June and Jeffrey Wolf (MA)
Ursule Phaeton Yates, in memory of Savari A. Phaeton (PA)
3 Anonymous Donors

† In Memoriam